Guest Blogger Patricia Mauerhofer: Three steps to be happy here and now – part 1



There is no blueprint to happiness and success. However, in order to to feel fulfilled and happy every single day there is an easy three step process you can follow. Let me show you how to be happy and thriving here and now.

We live in busy and demanding times. Maybe you feel trapped on a Hamster Wheel sometimes: always running, always chasing time. What if I could show you how to get back to an everyday life, where you find inner peace? What if you could thrive with focus and ease?

I believe that it’s paramount to be crystal clear on what it is that really, really counts for you.

#1     Start with the big picture

What gives your life meaning? Are you clear about your purpose and mission here on this planet? If not this might be the day to seriously start figuring it out.

How many life roles do you have? Which three are essential? Which others are important? Which roles can you decide now to put aside for a while or even get rid of as they drain you?

Knowing your mission and living on purpose helps you in several ways: it gives a clear direction and a forward pull; it’s a great compass and guide to decide in our busy and hectic world, what things you want to say YES to and to what others a clear NO. And it’s also a way of integrating spirituality and service in everything you do.


#2     Know yourself and play to your strengths!


24 CS


I’d like to introduce you to an amazing tool: the 24 VIA Character Strengths. The study and use of strengths is one of the pillars of the recent science of positive psychology. These 24 strengths form a new ‘language about what is best in us’.

You can take a free VIA Strengths Survey and within 20 minutes you’ll find out what your top 5 strengths are. They are also called signature strengths. It is so easy and genuine for you to use them that often we are not aware that this is something very special we have and do.

Using our strengths consciously allows us to getting into the flow. Deploying your highest strengths also leads to more positive emotion, to more meaning, to more accomplishment, and to better relationships.


#3     Be happy and thriving here and now

 Thirdly, do what lights you up, gives you energy and makes you feel great! You have to embody the big picture and the way you engage in the world here and now.

If you don’t give yourself enough care and attention this will impact what you can do for others negatively. If you have stress in your body instead of ease this will impact your way of thinking and where you focus on. You are less effective, less able to set boundaries and make different choices. Learn and practise to be at ease first.

You have to become conscious about how you create tension, stress and negative feelings like anxiety and worry in your mind and in your body in the present moment. I strongly encourage you to cultivate the habit to stop this as soon as you notice it – and immediately do something to feel better.

In part two of this article, I’ll show you why these three steps are so important plus concrete strategies for what you can do to instantly feel better.


About Patricia


PatriciaMauerhofer_400One of the founders of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, has the ambitious vision to see 50% of humanity ‘flourish’ in 2050 instead of less than 20% now. My mission is to contribute to this goal. Before I’m 50, I want to empower 1000 women in business to make money while serving others or a greater good and staying well themselves.



You can find out more about my work and myself by connecting with me on facebook: or


My website:



Thank you Patricia 🙂

Please comment below and let Patricia know what you think of her fab blog post.  We’d love to get this happiness message out there, so please use the social media buttons below to share this post far and wide!  Thanks 🙂

Enjoy life again, you deserve it! 

2 thoughts on “Guest Blogger Patricia Mauerhofer: Three steps to be happy here and now – part 1

    1. admin Post author

      Thanks Melanie, look out for part two of Patricia’s guest blog in a week or so. Cindy 🙂


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