Category Archives: Uncategorized

How can an egg give you a new perspective?

Watch the video to find out how, as well as why you’d want a new perspective in the first place.


In case you fancy checking it out, here’s a link to Buzzfeed, which I mentioned several times in the video:

You can connect with me by using any of the social media buttons at the bottom of this post 🙂

I hope you enjoyed the video.  If you did, please let me know in the comments below and as always…love and gratitude,

Cindy's signature



1 Simple Step to “Goose Up” Your Energy in 1 Minute

In this video I share a really quick tip for “goosing up” your energy so that you feel happier, more frisky and ready to take on your to-do list. You can do it anytime, anywhere, or you can create a notebook and make it part of your daily routine.

Have a watch and let me know if you try it out 🙂


So, what did you think?  I hope my video has given you a different perspective – if it has helped, please share 🙂

Oh yes, and here’s the link I promised, to find out more about Abraham Hicks – remember, it’s a bit whacky, but if you like whacky it might be right up your street! I also highly recommend that you search for Abraham Hicks on YouTube, as there are tons of videos for you to tune into.

Let me know if you decide to check it out – I love my daily dose of Abe!

With love and gratitude

Cindy's signature


Is it actually possible to experience a busy morning with enthusiasm and fun (and increase your self-esteem at the same time)?

(Spoiler alert: Yes, it is!)

Singing yourself happy

Did you ever wish you had more time, energy and enthusiasm in the mornings?  Have you tried (in vain) to not become a screaming harridan every morning as you struggle to wrangle the kids out the door?  Ever wished mornings could be a bit happier and calmer?

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Guest Blogger Rhiannon Kemp-Davies with a different take on women’s confidence

Foreword from Cindy:

Cindy Davis The Feel Good CoachDear lovely readers, I’ve been searching out some really talented bloggers who all have something in common – they’re passionate about empowering women in all walks of life to become more confident and live their lives in a more expanded way – just like me!

I met Rhiannon Kemp-Davies through a women’s business club we’re both members of and I immediately had the idea of asking her to write guest blogs for me.  Rhiannon is an up and coming business woman in a rather cheeky industry!  Her business is That’s The Spot and she specialises in one-to-one consultations with women who are looking for information and to buy adult toys.  I thought it was really important to invite Rhiannon to write a post for me, because her work is in an area that is instrumental to women’s confidence.

WARNING: this post contains sexual references related to the nature of Rhiannon’s business.  If you don’t want to see that kind of stuff, stop reading now!

Still here?  Great!  Well then, let me hand over to Rhiannon…

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Guest Blogger Patricia Mauerhofer: Three steps to be happy here and now – part 2



You are living your Best Life if you feel good here and now while doing something that puts you in a state of flow, that is aligned with the goals you want to achieve and that is ‘on purpose‘. Part two of this article focuses on the reasons why these concrete steps are paramount and how you can thrive in all areas of your life.

Let’s recap what we discussed in part 1 of this article. Knowing your mission and living on purpose will act as a great compass and guide in our busy and hectic world. The most effective way to get to a life where you experience holistic, authentic happiness is to know your strengths and to use them consciously in your work and at home. Thirdly, you need to experience in the present moment what I call ‘mind-body success’.

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3 Things Everyone Ought To Know About Life Coaching

It is my opinion that anyone that wants to achieve anything would do well to have a coach.  But don’t take my word for it!  Watch this short video from Tony Robbins about why you might want to have a coach in the first place:

Like Tony says, if you want lasting change you need a coach.

The thing is though, most people don’t understand what life coaching is REALLY about. They tend to think of coaching as some airy fairy thing that people with too much money and not enough sense indulge in.

I don’t blame those people, because life coaching can be a mystery if you’re not in the know. That’s why I’ve decided to bust some of the myths about life coaching, right here and now.

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My 3 Secrets For A Love Filled Valentine’s Day


1 Day That Comes Around Every Year

Ah Valentine’s Day, that one day of the year when it’s acceptable for even the hardest of hearts to go a bit soppy.  Some people love it and really get into the swing of things, some hate it and some couldn’t care less.

Often the state of your love life can have a big impact on how you feel on the 14th of February.

When love is new and exciting it’s easy to get caught up in the cards, balloons, gifts and specially themed nights out (I’m guessing here – it’s been a long time!).

If you’re in a long-term relationship it can become a bit of a non-event.  I know it is for me and my hubby – we tend to save any money we would have spent to put towards a holiday, although sometimes I do sneakily buy him a card.

If you’re single  on Valentine’s day (and wish you weren’t) it can be a real struggle to ignore all the fuss and fanfare.  Staying positive and focusing on the good in your life is tricky when the world is telling you that you should be madly in love and annoying other people with your public displays of affection.

2 Common Mistakes Most People Are Making.  Are You One Of Them?

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