Category Archives: Depression

Rest in Peace

WARNING: This post may not be quite what you think it is from the title!

I hope this short video helps you to begin to deal with any negative aspects of your life right now and find more peace of mind everyday. In this video I refer to the book ‘The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home‘ by Michael Neill, which I’ve only recently come across, but it has had a huge impact on my understanding and deepened my wellbeing.

Please share this post with anyone you think might benefit from it and as always, love and gratitude,

Cindy's signature

Sink or Swim?

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Newsflash: It’s Hard Work Sometimes!

I talk a lot about my journey through depression and out the other side, in the hope that it will help someone else going through a similar experience. I’m now in my 16th month free from depression without the aid of medication and I’m extremely grateful to everyone that’s been part of my recovery.

There’s something I need to tell you though – the fact that I’m free of depression doesn’t mean I don’t have to work at it, because I do. I work at it every single day. Some people think that people like me who teach self-love and positive thinking are always happy and balanced, but the truth is we’re still human.

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